Continuing Education
Continuing Education
The study of sacred texts connects us with God and to others, enriches spiritual and educational growth, and helps us to live at our best. Lifelong learning opportunities include weekly Torah study and other learning sessions with Rabbi, Book Club, Abraham Salons, Adult B'nai Mitzvah, movies and discussion, guest lectures, educational outings and more.
Torah Study
Our clergy leads Torah study most Saturdays from 9:00-10:00 am. No prior experience is needed; the sessions are not cumulative. Participants are never put on the spot. Coffee is served along with meaningful conversations, wonderful people, laughter, questions, answers, and a few “aha!” moments.
Lunch & Learn
Rabbi Taron Tachman leads a series of monthly discussions on various aspects of Jewish life from October through May. This eight session course meets at 12:00 pm on the third Thursday of each month.
Book Club
The Beth Tikvah Book Club, sponsored by Adult Education, meets at 7:00pm on the first Monday of each month in the Temple, adjusted for holidays. We have for a lively discussion of a book we’ve selected and read. The chosen books have a connection to Judaism, and may be historical, cultural, fictional, or non-fiction.
Beth Tikvah Library
Whether you're carpooling to Religious School, and need appropriate theme music CDs like "Lots of Latkes" or the Aleph Bet song, or you're looking for a great read with a Jewish connection, the Beth Tikvah Library hosts thousands of materials in both English and Hebrew.
Whether you're carpooling to Religious School, and need appropriate theme music CDs like "Lots of Latkes" or the Aleph Bet song, or you're looking for a great read with a Jewish connection, the Beth Tikvah Library hosts thousands of materials in both English and Hebrew.
The Library provides access to Judaica materials relevant to our entire congregation. Materials include books, periodicals, videos, CD’s and DVD’s in Hebrew and English. The Library hopes to stimulate the study of Judaism and its history and practices as well as its relevance to daily life through a comfortable and supportive environment.
What You'll Find
Don't let the magic stay hidden in the library! Check out Jewish books, CDs, videos, and more.
Some current titles include:
- "Kosher Cajun Cookbook" (adult)
- "Naomi's Song" (teen)
- "Mrs. Katz and Tush" (children)
- CDs by Itzhak Perlman
- Videos such as Shalom Sesame
- View Current Collection Highlights
Library Wish List
Help us grow our library collection with items from our Wish List or more.
- Donate to the congregation's Library Fundto honor or remember a special person or event.
- Make a Bar/Bat Mitzvah special with centerpieces of books to donate after the party.
Items may be checked out for 2 weeks at a time.
Sun, October 13 2024
11 Tishrei 5785
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 5:47pm |
Shabbat Day
Havdalah : 6:53pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Oct 15 K'lei Tikvah Rehearsal for Simchat Torah Tuesday, Oct 15 7:30pm |
Oct 20 BTC Volunteer Musicians Party (Off-site) Sunday, Oct 20 4:00pm |
Oct 22 K'lei Tikvah Rehearsal for Simchat Torah Tuesday, Oct 22 7:30pm |
Oct 29 Kol Tikvah Rehearsal Tuesday, Oct 29 7:30pm |
Nov 12 Kol Tikvah Rehearsal Tuesday, Nov 12 7:30pm |
Candle Lighting
Wednesday, Oct 16, 5:50pm |
Thursday, Oct 17, 6:56pm |
Erev Sukkot
Wednesday, Oct 16 |
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Alot Hashachar | 5:41am |
Earliest Tallit | 6:13am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 7:03am |
Latest Shema | 9:50am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:47am |
Chatzot (Midday) | 12:38pm |
Mincha Gedola | 1:06pm |
Mincha Ketana | 3:53pm |
Plag HaMincha | 5:03pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 6:13pm |
Tzeit Hakochavim | 6:54pm |
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