Shabbat Participation Opportunities
Shabbat Participation Opportunities
Shabbat Honors
Every week congregants volunteer - or are asked in advance - to lead sections of the Shabbat Service. These roles are considered “honors.” If you are celebrating a special occasion, recovering from a life changing event, or if you know that you will be at services on a given week and would like a role (see below) in the service, please contact our Ritual Chair.
Candle Lighting
Shabbat Candles are kindled each week and a blessing is recited to usher in the Sabbath. This honor takes place near the beginning of the service and can be performed by an individual or multiple people. People of all genders are invited to light the candles and make the blessings.
Candle lighting Instructions:
During services, sit with the congregation toward the front of the sanctuary if possible.
Come up to the bimah when called by the Rabbi. Remember: anyone serving on the bimah is requested to wear head covering, regardless of gender.
If you choose, you may read one of the two readings in English (pg. 121)
Using the lit candle already provided, light the Shabbat candles
Say the candle lighting blessing in Hebrew
Please remain with the candles while the congregation sings the blessing
Return to your seat - mazel tov and thank you.
Kiddush is the blessing over the wine or grape juice that we drink on Shabbat to sanctify the Sabbath and remind us of its sweetness. This honor usually takes place toward the end of the service and it can be performed by an individual or multiple people. All genders are invited to recite the Kiddush.
Kiddush Instructions:
During services, sit in the congregation toward the front of the sanctuary if possible.
Come up to the bimah when called by the Rabbi. Remember: all genders are requested to wear head coverings on the bimah.
Take the large Kiddush cup
Sing the blessing over the wine. (Once you start, the Cantorial Leader and congregation will join in.)
Sip the wine after the second, longer blessing is completed. (Note that the cup drips sometimes, so be careful and sip!)
Return to your seat - mazel tov and thank you.
Being called for an Aliyah means being asked to recite the Hebrew blessings that are said before and after a Torah reading. This honor takes place on Friday nights when Torah is read. It is recited by Jews of all genders, although a non-Jewish spouse is most welcome to stand at the podium alongside their partner as the blessing is recited.
Aliyah Instructions:
Find the rabbi 15 minutes before Shabbat Services to inform him of your presence and to tell him your Hebrew name.
During Services come up to the bimah when called by the Rabbi. Remember: all genders are requested to wear head coverings on the bimah.
When cued, recite the blessing before Torah is read. The reader will then read the Torah portion.
Recite the Blessing after reading Torah
Wait for the Rabbi to offer you a blessing
Return to your seat(s) in the sanctuary - mazel tov and thank you.
Torah Readers / Yad Squad!
Torah is read on Friday nights at least twice a month. As a group, our Torah readers are called the “Yad Squad.” Our Yad Squad members are justifiably proud of their accomplishments, and we always welcome new members. If you would like to volunteer to read Torah on a given night, or want more information about Yad Squad, please contact Cantorial Leader Ilana Axel at least two months in advance of the anticipated reading date.
Usher / Greeters
Ushers are needed each Friday to help get Shabbat Services ready, greet Shabbat guests, and to help return books and materials at the conclusion of our worship. If you would like to volunteer to be an usher, your help would be much appreciated. Please contact our Ritual Chair.
Oneg / Dessert Reception Assistance
Oneg means “joy,” and one of the most joyful times of the week takes place after Shabbat Services when congregants and guests enjoy a dessert reception and the company of others. If you would like to help serve at an oneg reception, or if you would be able to bake treats for a given Friday night, please complete this online form.
Mon, February 10 2025
12 Sh'vat 5785
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 5:06pm |
Shabbat Day
Havdalah : 6:15pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 18 Purimshpiel Rehearsals Tuesday, Feb 18 7:30pm |
Feb 25 Purimshpiel Rehearsals Tuesday, Feb 25 7:30pm |
Mar 4 Purimshpiel Rehearsals Tuesday, Mar 4 7:30pm |
Mar 11 Purimshpiel Rehearsals Tuesday, Mar 11 7:30pm |
Apr 8 Kol Tikvah Rehearsal Tuesday, Apr 8 7:30pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat Yitro
Shabbat, Feb 15 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 14, 5:06pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 15, 6:15pm |
Tu BiSh'vat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
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